Annual Certification

" Certified, Qualified and Trusted "

Annual certification is a process of certificate renewal of marine navigation devices held by a certified engineer. VDR APT stands for Voyage Data Recorder Annual-Performance-Test held by maker’s certified engineers in order to fulfill the authority, owner and/or class regulations and requirements. After the APT process completed it will issue COC which stands for Certificate of Completion, if the procedures pass the data review from maker

Authorized Maker Certified for:
● DANELEC for DM-100/S, DM-200/400S and DM300/500.
● NETWAVE for NW-4000/S, NW-6000/S,
NW-6000G2/S and NW-8000L/C.
● RUTTER for 100G2/S and 100G3/S.
● MCMURDO for S5A, E8, G8, M5 and R5.

Certification 1Danelec CocNetwave Coc